Humans of TPOT: Brian Brain
- Vivek Khatri
- Tech people , Tpot
- April 4, 2022
Yesterday, I was pondering how we arrived at this point in life. Countless events became entangled, giving birth to new occurrences. I also realized that it’s all just a complex web of interactions involving multiple events triggered by different individuals. So, we find ourselves here due to the actions of various people, including my own, and everything has simply accumulated.
Anyway, today we bring to you, Dr. @Brian ji! (he is real doctor not phd one :P)
I met Brian Ji in a mutual Twitter group chat, and as always, I started asking silly questions. Not only was he nice enough to answer them all, but he also DMed me, saying that I can ask him questions whenever I want. Even my teachers haven’t entertained the idea of their students asking silly questions.
He lives in Las Vegas. Also, he doesn’t consume any seed oils. I was blown away when I learned about it.
I normally meet a lot of cool anonymous users on Twitter, but the first genuinely cool person with a profile picture of himself. He used to collect basketball cards when he was a kid. Did I mention that he is a doctor? The Indian shaadi market will go nuts for him.
When did you join?
My profile says I joined March 2015, but I probably didn’t start really using Twitter until summer/fall 2016.
Origin of your username/handle? (iff)
Seems pretty self-evident
How did you come across tpot?
Not sure to be honest, don’t think I intentionally became a part of it. Was just interacting with various accounts and becoming mutuals with them and then at some point we became tpot.
Which account do you worship here/ fav account?
That honor goes to my brother from another mother @varunramg. Also @pajeetbateman though sadly he is no longer with us.
Hiking, reading, weightlifting, cooking, linguistics. Recently started taking dance classes which has been fun. *Based*
Physician, specifically neurologist. Though I do telemedicine now that doesn’t involve seeing patients (if you listen to the podcast episode I have pinned on my profile I go into more details regarding exactly what I do).
What is your favourite breakfast?
My standard breakfast is usually just eggs and coffee. In terms of favorites however I do love Scandinavian and Japanese breakfasts (there’s something about having fish in the morning that hits the spot).
A dish you can never get enough of?
Sushi and yakiniku
Are you blocked by lex?
Last I checked, no. Somebody actually put me on a list called “Not yet blocked by Lex”.
Who is your favourite anime waifu/ fav actress/actor?
**Robert Downey Jr.**
- What is the secret to your bangers?
**I just post and let the universe do with it what it will.**
- Favourite movie? (Any top 5)
* **The Matrix**
* **Lost in Translation**
* **As Good As It Gets**
* **John Wick 4**
* **Parallels**
- any 5 go-to songs that you think people should listen?
* **1er Gaou by Magic System**
* **Wakarimasen by MIYACHI**
* **Habibi by Ricky Rich & ARAM Mafia**
* **Aitvaar by Jaz Dhami**
* **SLR by Lupe Fiasco**
- any kinda sports you follow?
**Not much of a sports guy**
- The last meme that made you chuckle?
**Can’t recall exactly, but likely was something posted by @SeedOilDsrspctr**
- An image from your camera roll that you think captures your essence?
We are eternally grateful to Brian ji for giving us the time and answering all the questions. We wish him all the best for all his future endeavours. Hope he gets to tour India and gets married, soon.
Brian ji will accompany you in Las Vegas if you subscribe