The Hotpot Crisis
- Vivek Khatri
- Bts , Tpot
- December 12, 2023
Today we will tell you a story about how the greatest management tragedy took place on the platform called X.
Everyone was excited and curious, also fidgety.
It started with cokanestudio got annoyed how the hotpot account wasn’t moving fast enough.
We were accused for not being active and fast enough with our blogs. Rightly so. But things took a different turn, when people from tpot got actively involved.
There was a coup.
Our Chief Editor pleaded to not fire the upper management.
But it was too late, the search for a new CEO had gone out.
Soon people started throwing their hats into the race for choosing the next CEO and building a new board.
There were demands to dissolve the board
But our Growth VP intern protested!
Then something magical happened.
Power was restored and crisis was averted.
This teaches us a lesson, and kids what do you think it is?
Never try to cross people who have power and money but lack a moral compass.
That’s it, folks. Bye.