Humans of TPOT: The Almighty Telt
- Vivek Khatri
- Tech people , Tpot
- April 4, 2022
I think a polarised world will work in the benefit of human society because people will see how ridiculous the extreme opinions are and then people will start floating over the centre. I am just putting out this idea, I don’t know if it makes sense.
Anyway, today I bring Telt senpai to all y’all. He is the co-founder for BBIT and a human being with a mesmerising chad voice.
I interacted with Telt senpai in a GC and on a discord channel. Everyone at BBIT is a telt senpai voice stan.
Honestly, I don’t know much about telt senpai. I have realised this while writing. I don’t know the reason for it. He seems to be friends with a lot of people on tpot. I have seen his tweet replies across all accounts on tpot. But the thing is I don’t have much to say.
Oh yes, he ran/runs a BBIT grant, the grant was to provide monetary assistance to projects. I also remember that he and a few BBIT folks sponsored a prize at some hackathon. He is an indie Philanthropist? I don’t know how to label this. He he he.
When did you join? 2009
How did you come across tpot? I think it must have been a viral tweet and then I just looked at their follows. Might have been @allgarbled or @growing_daniel
Which account do you worship here/ fav account? Fav accs cause I found them first and loved the vibes: @DebadreeC, @cto_junior, @beeryaniboi and @dejavucoder. But there’s just way too many amazing anons that I’ve met irl or in various GCs.
Hobbies? books, placating my insecurities
Profession? software enjoyoor
What is your favourite breakfast? late lunch because intermittent fasting (this is how I lost a lot of weight the first time)
A dish you can never get enough of? bhel
Are you blocked by lex? nah I don’t follow him
Which programming language do you hate? (only for coders) I don’t hate on anything, why hold onto a hot coal especially those that don’t have side effects.
Who is your favourite anime waifu/ fav actress/actor? Toss up between Mitsuha and Motoko Kusanagi (and maybe Dors Venabili)
Motoko Kusanagi
What is the secret to your bangers? I feel like I got mostly lucky. It’s a combination of figuring out the current thing and making a joke about it but my bangers are not even close to being Bangers. It takes a bit of work to figure out what people talk about and play to the algorithm. Paraphrasing growing_daniel, “remember when I used to put in effort to write bangers”.
Favourite movie? The Great Escape
any 5 go-to songs that you think people should listen to?
**Red Barchetta,**
**Evergreen Cassette by Goldspot**
**Ants Marching**
**Chaudhary by Mame Khan**
**Archie Marry Me**
**Walking on The Moon.**
any kinda sports you follow? Mostly Cricket and finals for most events.
Favourite pepe? Smug pepe because it’s perfect
- what single advice would you give to your younger self when he/she is about to join twitter? and what’s the one thing you’d want them to absolutely not do here?
**vibes are just one signal, (don't be an ass) be nice.**
Can you share a memorable moment or story from your time in the TPOT community that had a significant impact on you? I met an anon and realised there’s a way to jump the online-offline gap and, the vibes follow.
Can you share an image that captures your essence as a human?
We are eternally grateful to Telt senpai for taking out the time and answering our questions. We wish him all the best for all his future endeavours, may he become a Pokemon trainer, get a Raichu and win the Pokemon Battle Tournament.
Telt Senpai will send a personalised voice recording to everyone who subscribes.